Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Uh Oh

So, um, I'm breaking some rules. My novel is going to be more than 50,000 words. How do I know this? Because today, Tuesday, June 30, at 7:07 p.m., I broke through the 50,000 word ceiling of the chocolate factory. And this glass elevator is just going to keep going, because as it turns out, I still have more plot left in me.

By which I mean I had trouble pacing this thing all along, so here I find myself at 50,000 words mid-way through a climax (and yes, I'm aware that sounds dirty) certainly with an end in sight, but one that's a few miles out to sea and only dimly visible through the marine layer. But, I can't help it. Really, if I were to just write "The End" right now, my book would be incomplete, nothing would be resolved, and one of the crucial mysteries would never be uncovered. So, onwards and upwards I go. I am mixing so many metaphors here.

Here's a picture of my word count as of several minutes ago:

Check back later tonight for the final update. I will finish by midnight, mark my words.

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Favorite Animal

So I met this giant river otter today at the Zoo. It makes the most ridiculous noises. You can hear one here.


For some mysterious reason I am now following my own blog....what?

That's so lame--like laughing at your own jokes. Why BLOGGER, why?

47,452 words, 2 days to go

We're getting close now. And plot is happening! Probably TOO MUCH PLOT! But whatever. Today I was a writing fiend. I literally holed up in my room for like, 9 hours and wrote, with minimal breaks. The nice thing about being sick is that you don't even want to eat so I didn't even really have to stop for snackity-snacks (unless you count lime popsicles, which I consumed in a big way.)

I'm really excited for this to be over, but suddenly afraid of the big gaping hole that will be left in my life when my noveling efforts are over. Any suggestions on what I should replace noveling with? Bead-making, perhaps?


Sunday, June 28, 2009


I love how when you look up "seal" on google, this is the first thing that comes up:

My mom and sister saw him at the airport once.

But I can see seals every day at the zoo. So...there.

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a....

It's the most badass stingray ever, out-leaping an orca whale.

Of course, after this picture was taken, it probably still got eaten, but whatever.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I have developed writer's shoulder. It's so painful. Also my stupid sister got me sick (I love you Diana). I am roughly 9,000 words away, so...still behind. It's been tricky, what with friends and bureaucracy and zoo and other things.

This weekend is going to suck. But I can see the end. Finally.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

8 followers, 6 days to go

I was so thrilled to see that my readership had grown by not one but TWO whole followers the last time I checked my blog. Yay!

And then I failed to uphold my end of the bargain by actually posting anything. Sorry.

I have excuses though. Or one really good excuse. My internet is broken. Right now, I'm stealing internet from someone else that I can only get through my sister's computer.

Also, I'm way behind. Life just keeps getting in the way.

I'm almost at 40,000 words, but I should be at almost 42. I suck. Also, I know you guys are clamoring for excerpts but I currently have so many doubts about my writing, I just don't know. Ask me in a week.

Fun fact: River otters are iridescent. It's way cool.

And you're going to hate me for posting this picture but whatever. I'm used to it:

Come on. Don't you want one? Or five?

Oh and P.S. I met someone yesterday who genuinely was on the verge of becoming a shark behaviorist after graduating with a marine bio major. How sweet is that???

Hey! At least this one isn't some lame animal picture. It's a sharkity-shark. Nothing lame about that.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

No, I'm not procrastinating--why would you say that?

In 5 minutes begins my final week of MantoWriMo.

I'm at 33,000ish words so far tonight, despite a True Blood and frozen yogurt break earlier. I will keep going, but I do have work tomorrow, and I'm starting a digital photography class tomorrow night. And then my sister and I are going to start attending this crazy Cardio Barre class. And then my dad and I are going to go see a documentary about over-fishing called "End of the Line." It's going to be hard to catch up to the 35,000 mark I should have been at. Whatever. I WILL finish this novel by June 30.

I'd just like to take a moment to thank my 6 blog followers. I'm not even sure if you are reading anything I write, but just seeing your tiny little profile pictures just makes me happy. You know what would make me even happier?

7 blog followers.


I really want to move to Hawaii. I just realized this.

So right now, my top 3 post-graduation destinations are as follows:
1) Portland, Oregon
2) Hawaii
3) Monterey, CA

Sounds good to me.

On a somewhat unrelated note: want to hear some humpback songs? They are pretty catchy.


I suck. I'm a day behind, trying to catch up. Yesterday I danced for old folks, and got to look all official and stuff with a walkie talkie at the LA Zoo's Beastly Ball. Today was Father's Day and my dad (tried) to teach me to drive a stick shift. I was decent at shifting out of first to second gear, but stop signs were my downfall. Everyone in my Orthodox Jewish neighborhood must HATE me now. I don't even know how many times I stalled out the car and/or squealed around a corner. AND the battery died midway through. My dad says the battery wasn't my fault. I mostly believe him, since he spent the entire time laughing at me anyways, so I have a feeling that if I had actually killed the car, he would have had no qualms letting me know. Nonetheless, he kept telling me to "listen to the car" (kind of like Patrick Swayze telling Baby to "feel the music" in Dirty Dancing, except without dancing and you know, Patrick Swayze), that it would tell me what to do. In the movie version of my life, this would have been a series quick cuts of me stalling the car and the car jerking around a corner (kind of like the montage when Baby is trying to get the lifts right but just keeps falling in the lake) interspersed with me making apologetic faces and shrugging my shoulders at passing cars and dogwalkers; but it would have ended with me listening to the car and executing a perfect shift to first gear from a complete stop.

This did not happen.

It's official: my life is not a movie. And in other news, Clay Aiken is gay.

You know what else did not happen? Novel-writing. And there's another episode of "True Blood" tonight! But alas, it will have to wait. I have almost 4,000 words to tackle. Get your towels ready! It's about to go down!!

Also: is this not the most fantastic thing? It walks on its toes! I hung out with it at the Zoo.

Cool legislature!

Hawaii is awesome. Here is why.

Friday, June 19, 2009

31,710 words!

And it's not even 4:00. And I'm not falling asleep and waking up with keyboard imprints on my face several hours later! Huzzah! And Katie will, eventually, appreciate the homage I paid her novel in my story.

I hope.


I accidentally came across this while searching for other fun facts about whales:


It's really unintentionally funny. And gross. Watch it.

It's sort of kinda vaguely pertaining to the general theme of marine life as characterizes this here blog


For those of you who for some reason didn't hear about this already, I saw Bill Pullman the other day. In fact, I sat in the very same seat as his ass!

But Manta, how is this related to sea creatures, you may ask? You, being the "movie elitist" you are and all, should know better than anyone that Bill Pullman has been in movies about aliens, movies about space (and did you know that more people have been to space than have been to the deep sea??), movies about a man-eating crocodile loose in a lake, and movies about newsboys on strike, but never in a movie about sea creatures.

Well, we need to do something about that. Tessa has a solution to what is clearly a great big gaping hole in Bill Pullman's resume. Go look at her blog, mostly because it's awesome, but especially because this post and its follow-up are hilarious.

And then, if you want to read something sad because you are laughing so hard at Number 1: Pen, Number 2: Thoughts, go read Katie's blog and have a good cry at the (hopefully temporary) demise of Olgando. And then, if well-lit photos of guitars get you hot, go read Alex's blog. And if you want to read about adventures in France, check out Shannon's blog.

Ok, that's enough shout-outs for now.

Oh, also: 30,031 words! I am more than halfway through.

Oh, and this one's for Tessa:


Here are some really cool pictures I have found in the course of my internet surfing.

It's a cloud....that looks like a sharkity-shark!

And this is just crazy: it's a bioluminescent wave!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some things

In lieu of writing my last 400ish words for today, I will tell you some things about these past two and a half weeks (since Katie asked me to). Then I will stay up late and continue writing.

What I'm Listening To:
I'm currently writing to a motley playlist of some variously aquatic-themed music. A random selection includes:
"I'm on a Boat" (because, well...you know)
"Heroes" (mostly because it's a good song, but also because of that line about dolphins)
"Rock Lobster" (duh)
"Volcanoes" (by Islands--who I haven't listened to in forevah)
"Islands" (by Cat Power)
"Seal Tubilee" (a weird song by Bat for Lashes)
"Underwater" (Architecture in Helsinki)
"Girl and the Sea" (which is kinda techno-y, and I think best fits the feeling I hope to evoke with my story)

Plus a bunch more, some for their title only, others for their mood. Oh and also, "Everyday I Write the Book" by Elvis Costello (at the suggestion of Tessa, for obvious reasons)

Where I'm Writing:
Currently on the magically comfortable couch in my dad's living room, but most of this month, in the little nest I've created for myself in my bed in my room at my mom's.

What I'm Drinking:
Really gross coffee. Usually tea, though (obviously.)

What I'm Wearing:

No I'm joking. Pants. Also, a shark tooth necklace that I frankensteined out of a really ugly necklace that happened to have a shark tooth on it, and a chain I already had.

What is going on in my story:
What is going on in my story? I don't know. Like I've moaned and groaned about in the past few posts, I think I've been pacing this novel like it was much longer than 50,000 words, which might bode well for future noveling efforts, but for this one, will probably result in a rather rushed, super-plotty last 20,000 words. Right now, I'm only just getting around to writing the first time the not-so-super eco-heroes--Ray, Finn, Eli, Brad Right, Otto and more! (I say "and more!" because there are like, 12 of them, and the number is likely to change, as are their names, since I seem to be using at most 5 of these characters at any given time)--are given the chance to flex their superhero muscle. They're going to rescue some beached whales! And there's a mad scientist! And Olivia is still terrified of water! And there might be pirates! And maybe a romance! I don't know yet. I have like 15 things I'd like to fit in in this last stretch of writing, but I sort of put in a lot of backstory, and not quite as much story up until now. Also, I have a lot of characters. Also, like 5 days have passed in 30,000 words. As my dad pointed out, though, lots of stories are about nothing at all. Right? Right??

So, there are some things.

28,500 and counting

Well, Manta is still on track...sorta. I'm coming up on 28,500 words, and while I don't feel like quitting, I'm just concerned with, I don't know, everything about my book. It's not particularly funny, but also not serious. I don't know if anyone but me would want to read it. Heck, I don't know if even I will want to read it, when I'm done. I've been exceptionally busy. I've been having problems with my internet. Also, I seem to be really adept at describing relatively nothing at all.

Let's see if I can get ahead on my word count today, since Saturday is definitely off-limits. Also, don't expect a lot of updates, since...well, internet.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 3 Began (yesterday)

I really have not been doing stellar on my novel. Sunday, you know, when I had ALL DAY to write, I instead spent dancing, watching the series finale of "Pushing Daisies" (and weeping bitter tears) and watching the season premiere of "True Blood" (watching people get NAKED and bite each other)--once again doing everything in my power not to write. I basically hated my novel. I've been perpetually a day behind in my word count. My plot still feels like it's never going to arrive.

I finally caught up last night. 25,015 words. I am halfway through my novel-writing experiment. I'd like to say it feels good, but right now I'm still worried about where my story is going. Evidently, I suck at pacing. I know everything I want to happen but I'm concerned 25,000 words won't be enough.

2 weeks to go.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I need some suggestions for backstory for my main character, Olivia. Here's what I know about her so far:

- she's aquaphobic
- she has a pet pig, named after the musician Moby, rather than the white whale (so I guess maybe she likes electronica? I haven't delved into her music tastes really)
- she has a best friend named Lou (who I also haven't fleshed out, character-wise--all I know is that she's small, blonde, and - possibly a surfer? or a lifeguard? I don't know)
- she was into Aquaman when she was younger
- she was not unpopular in high school
- she had a boyfriend the last year of grad school, whom she is no longer with for reasons I have yet to disclose
- she watches Law & Order (as far as other genres of movies/tv, I don't know)
- she's not much of a self-starter

But apart from all this, she needs some hobbies, some interests, some quirks--some things that have nothing to do with water, or marine biology. What did she do for fun in undergrad? Is she a drinker? Not? What does she do for fun now? Does she take a kickboxing class? A spin class? Is she into sports? Does she read? Does she write? I've tried to put as little of myself into her as possible, because this character is decidedly not me. Hence, I've been trying to stay away from the things I like to do: taking pictures, drawing pictures, dancing, etc.

So, I'd appreciate any of your help, wonderful readers. Nothing is too weird, too obscure, or too quirky. And if I like your suggestions, you may just see them find a way into my novel!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Seriously, people.

Can I please just have like, 2 hours a day to myself? Pretty please? Ugh, another day of no words...although let's see if I can stay up a little longer and not fall asleep at my computer.

So, my sister graduated today. That was like, an all day event. Although, I suppose as far as graduations go, an art school graduation is probably the best you could ask for--complete with live musical, dramatic, and dance performances, weirdly self-promotional speeches from school board higher-ups, and a charming story told by a city councilman (something about a good wolf and a bad wolf that live inside you--except that he kept mispronouncing "wolf" as "woof," and I was trying so hard not to laugh that I missed the moral). But then, after graduation was over, we went to eat classy Japanese food up at Yamashiro, which has pretty much the best view of Los Angeles you can find (and apparently also movie nights, a disproportionate amount of which feature movies starring Harrison Ford...hmm). And then, when dinner was over, we went back to my grandparents' house to eat this cake that my NorCal cousins had sent down for my grandpa's bday (and which my grandma claimed was "an albatross around her neck"--oh yeah, I have NOT been able to get that image out of my brain.)

But yeah, so I just got home. Wah. I want to write, but I'm now feeling unsuccessful and thus uninspired, and my novel isn't terribly fun at the moment. I just hope this feeling passes. I wish this next week were going to get easier, but I have like 5 dances to choreograph for some fathers' day old folks' home belly dance thing I agreed (read: was forced on pain of death...plus $100) to do AND I'm volunteering at the LA Zoo's Beastly Ball next weekend, and I'm hanging out with Shannon, and my cousin, and maybe Tessa, and and AND....

So really, is it too much to ask that I just get 2 hours alone, with my novel, to myself?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Right on track with 18,574 words

Poseidon, look at me! I'm up to 18,574 words which, if I look at my MantoWriMo schedule ...means I am exactly where I need to be by Day 11 (in fact, 237 words ahead). Huzzah! Seriously, though: today was a slog. I was already a day behind since this week was the tail end of the family visiting, and work Monday through Wednesday, where I've also been doing things of the writing variety, except with the emphasis on less words, not more. But Wednesday is where things kinda fell apart.

The story of Wednesday: basically, on Wednesday, rather than writing in the morning before heading off to the the Zoo, I watched "Life in Cold Blood" the David Attenborough reptiles and amphibians doc series, which was awesome! I learned so many fun facts! Like how when a python is swallowing a big prey item, it actually extends its wind-pipe out of its mouth because otherwise it would suffocate! So cool! Then at work, I didn't have time for a long lunch break (and BRAINSTORMING) because I was running around interviewing animals! Then after work, I saw Shannon! We had Menchie's! It was magical! And then I went to dinner! By the time I got home, I was exhausted but determined to at least write something. What I wrote was this:

Just as quickly as she'd agreed, Olivia was suddenly annoyed at herself for complying so easily with their demands. She was the one sitting cold in a cave, in her pajamas, with a bunch of complete strangers, when she could have been at home, watching reruns of "Gilligan's Island" with Moby.

And then, I fell asleep! And then I woke up at 2:00 in the morning when my laptop fell off my knees, where it had been precariously perched! And I wonder why my laptop is clearly on its last legs (come on baby, let's just get through June.)

So long story short, is that I didn't actually get my 1,667 words written on Wednesday.

But today, I had no work, no obligations, and I had two days' worth of words to write and for some reason, I just couldn't get into my novel. Maybe I was distracted or something, maybe it was because I knew I had this big explainy scene to write, maybe I just wanted to watch "Life in Cold Blood" instead of looking fun sea creature facts up on wikipedia, but today just wasn't happening.

Also, I've been having a debate with myself about writing with music or without--as I just wrote to Tessa, I haven't found the write soundtrack (then had to correct it to *right). Also, sometimes music helps me get into a zone, and sometimes it just prevents me from hearing my characters' voices. It's tricky, this writing stuff. If I bought into that whole "muse" thing, I'd say mine's pretty finicky--everything has to be juuust right. But like I said, I don't buy that whole muse business. Anyways, supposedly, Week 2 is supposed to be the hardest week, so I'm right on track for that, too.

So eventually, after feeding the parrots, and taking a bath, and making multiple cups of tea, and laying on the floor, and having my mom buy me one of those pretty cookies from gelson's, and re-watching an episode of "Chuck," I was finally able to hole up in my room, in bed (which apparently is the only place I can get writing done), and actually, you know, write. And at first it was like eking out one word at a time, and I couldn't get anyone's voices down, and I'm still not sure that the conversations I wrote actually flow or sound like real people, but 3,462 words later (give or take) I at last came to a natural stopping place.

Things are actually FINALLY going to start happening in my book. Also, at my dad's suggestion, there will be a volcano (funnily enough, he suggested this without knowing anything about my book, and I was like "VOLCANO!" and whipped out my notebook to write it down).

So, sorry for the long post, dear readers. If you want some actually entertaining posts, head over to Katie's blog. The scene at the Boo!-bie Mansion is hilarious and includes Martha Stewart craft references! Tim O'Shea is ridiculous, what with his foghorn noises and filming up girls' skirts. Also, Olgando is breaking my heart.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 2 begins

Phew! I was so worried the last few days that what with entertaining the Ohioans, I would fall so far behind in my writing that there would be no way to catch up. And I did fall behind--a whole two days worth of words! I even had an anxiety dream about it. But then I came home late last night from dinner at some fancy-schmancy wine tasting bar in Downtown LA with my uncles and had an unexpected burst of creativity, knocking out 1,500 words before bed. And then, this morning, I woke up and rather than going on a run (don't laugh--I run, people) I wrote another thousand words! But now I have to go to work. And despite the fact that relatively little has happened in my first 11,000 words of my novel, I think things are really going to pick up now. Like, for instance, today I typed the word "superheroes" for the first time. That's...something. Maybe, if you're lucky, I'll even post an excerpt soon.

Now, onto Week 2. My grandpa and uncles leave tomorrow but Shannon comes home, so a whole new distraction will replace the one of last week. But that's cool, because I've been lonely and friendless for a whole month. Yay! Shannon! Yay! MantoWriMo is back on track!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 7

So technically, I should be up to 11,669. I'm going to the Observatory today. I baked a pizza yesterday. I went to the Getty the day before. Needless to say, I'm nowhere near the word count I should be at. And to top it off, I can't seem to stay up past 11 o'clock, after all the fun family festivities are over and I get a second to myself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ah, nicknames...

...can't live with them, can't live without....well, actually you could live without them.

As most of you know, I have in my recent years become saddled with a number of nicknames, when I went a good 18 years of life with a mere 2 (plus a couple nonspecific--cookie, angel, honey--ones). Most of them are listed here in my profile. 

So anyways, I wanted my character Olivia to have some nicknames given to her by friends and family, because I think it's always fascinating to follow the meandering, random road to any given nickname. Mine, for example, comes from the first of the bunch, Mangela. However, rather than retaining the "angela" part of the name, it was "Man" that fostered the next generation of nicknames. Odd. 

The flash of inspiration that resulted in the title of my novel, Landlocked, was actually the first thing that inspired me to commit to writing a story about an aquaphobic marine biologist. Because not only did I have a title that fit the general theme of the story, but it gave me my character's last name: Locke. Not only that, but it gave me a built in series of nicknames: Locke Ness monster, Ness, Nessie, and, to her best friend, Monster. And that was enough to go on. 

Of course then I had to think of a first name, but that was just a matter of writing down every female name in the articles and Zoo donor lists I was proofreading at work, and mixing and matching them. Olivia won, because it sounds kind of brainy. 

As for the story itself, it is moving along rather pokily (as am I, especially when compared to Katie's impressive 10,000-something words). My story barely feels like it has gotten started. Hmph. Oh well. By the end of this weekend, I hope to get in some real action, work in the rest of my characters, and get this ball rolling. All that has happened thus far is an extensive internal monologue centering around Olivia's exploding dishwasher and her inside jokes with her brother. 

Also, I totally want her house (big surprise, right?) for numerous reasons, but one being that she has an octo-clock! It's like those creepy '50s cat clocks with the eyes and tail that move back and forth except...it's an octopus. And I made it up. And I want one!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So I decided...

My main character Olivia has a pet pig. And he will look like this. Since I didn't plan for this to happen, I still have to think of a name, but I'm not totally surprised that as I was writing, a pig just wandered into Olivia's kitchen, since the idea of having a pet pig is all my sister ever talks about.

Also, when I searched google images for 'pot-bellied pig,' in the midst of adorable pictures was this one. While I already knew this actor's connection to the pig world, it was nonetheless chuckle-worthy.

Monday, June 1, 2009

3,014 words and counting

I don't wanna go to bed!

But alas. I must. I feel like I could keep writing though, which is rare/unheard of when it comes to the way I turn out essays (like pulling teeth). Hey, I overshot my writing goal of 1,667 words today, so I'm kind of proud. I did, however, use up a good 2,000 or so words on the first chapter, and not a whole lot happened, though I feel like I did set up some key facts about the main character. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Day 1

I feel so creative right now.

No, I haven't resumed writing yet, having just returned from work. I have, however, been entertaining all kinds of ideas today. While my work-work surely suffered somewhat from these interrupting strokes of genius, I now have many mini-notebook pages filled with random ideas that I need to somehow string together in a plot. Mostly right now I need to figure out how to pace this, probably using The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (because that's what I happen to be re-reading right now) and the TV show "Chuck" (approximately the kind of funny-with-a-dash-of-serious tone I'd like for my novel) for inspiration.

More to come.

815 words down, 49,185 to go!

Well, it's no 2,009 words, but it's something. I have to go interview animals in the morning, but I'll definitely get up to 2,000 by tomorrow afternoon.