Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 3 Began (yesterday)

I really have not been doing stellar on my novel. Sunday, you know, when I had ALL DAY to write, I instead spent dancing, watching the series finale of "Pushing Daisies" (and weeping bitter tears) and watching the season premiere of "True Blood" (watching people get NAKED and bite each other)--once again doing everything in my power not to write. I basically hated my novel. I've been perpetually a day behind in my word count. My plot still feels like it's never going to arrive.

I finally caught up last night. 25,015 words. I am halfway through my novel-writing experiment. I'd like to say it feels good, but right now I'm still worried about where my story is going. Evidently, I suck at pacing. I know everything I want to happen but I'm concerned 25,000 words won't be enough.

2 weeks to go.

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