Thursday, June 25, 2009

8 followers, 6 days to go

I was so thrilled to see that my readership had grown by not one but TWO whole followers the last time I checked my blog. Yay!

And then I failed to uphold my end of the bargain by actually posting anything. Sorry.

I have excuses though. Or one really good excuse. My internet is broken. Right now, I'm stealing internet from someone else that I can only get through my sister's computer.

Also, I'm way behind. Life just keeps getting in the way.

I'm almost at 40,000 words, but I should be at almost 42. I suck. Also, I know you guys are clamoring for excerpts but I currently have so many doubts about my writing, I just don't know. Ask me in a week.

Fun fact: River otters are iridescent. It's way cool.

And you're going to hate me for posting this picture but whatever. I'm used to it:

Come on. Don't you want one? Or five?

Oh and P.S. I met someone yesterday who genuinely was on the verge of becoming a shark behaviorist after graduating with a marine bio major. How sweet is that???

Hey! At least this one isn't some lame animal picture. It's a sharkity-shark. Nothing lame about that.

1 comment:

  1. Who is this awesome shark behaviourist?! I am jealous.
