Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some things

In lieu of writing my last 400ish words for today, I will tell you some things about these past two and a half weeks (since Katie asked me to). Then I will stay up late and continue writing.

What I'm Listening To:
I'm currently writing to a motley playlist of some variously aquatic-themed music. A random selection includes:
"I'm on a Boat" (because, know)
"Heroes" (mostly because it's a good song, but also because of that line about dolphins)
"Rock Lobster" (duh)
"Volcanoes" (by Islands--who I haven't listened to in forevah)
"Islands" (by Cat Power)
"Seal Tubilee" (a weird song by Bat for Lashes)
"Underwater" (Architecture in Helsinki)
"Girl and the Sea" (which is kinda techno-y, and I think best fits the feeling I hope to evoke with my story)

Plus a bunch more, some for their title only, others for their mood. Oh and also, "Everyday I Write the Book" by Elvis Costello (at the suggestion of Tessa, for obvious reasons)

Where I'm Writing:
Currently on the magically comfortable couch in my dad's living room, but most of this month, in the little nest I've created for myself in my bed in my room at my mom's.

What I'm Drinking:
Really gross coffee. Usually tea, though (obviously.)

What I'm Wearing:

No I'm joking. Pants. Also, a shark tooth necklace that I frankensteined out of a really ugly necklace that happened to have a shark tooth on it, and a chain I already had.

What is going on in my story:
What is going on in my story? I don't know. Like I've moaned and groaned about in the past few posts, I think I've been pacing this novel like it was much longer than 50,000 words, which might bode well for future noveling efforts, but for this one, will probably result in a rather rushed, super-plotty last 20,000 words. Right now, I'm only just getting around to writing the first time the not-so-super eco-heroes--Ray, Finn, Eli, Brad Right, Otto and more! (I say "and more!" because there are like, 12 of them, and the number is likely to change, as are their names, since I seem to be using at most 5 of these characters at any given time)--are given the chance to flex their superhero muscle. They're going to rescue some beached whales! And there's a mad scientist! And Olivia is still terrified of water! And there might be pirates! And maybe a romance! I don't know yet. I have like 15 things I'd like to fit in in this last stretch of writing, but I sort of put in a lot of backstory, and not quite as much story up until now. Also, I have a lot of characters. Also, like 5 days have passed in 30,000 words. As my dad pointed out, though, lots of stories are about nothing at all. Right? Right??

So, there are some things.

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