Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 2 begins

Phew! I was so worried the last few days that what with entertaining the Ohioans, I would fall so far behind in my writing that there would be no way to catch up. And I did fall behind--a whole two days worth of words! I even had an anxiety dream about it. But then I came home late last night from dinner at some fancy-schmancy wine tasting bar in Downtown LA with my uncles and had an unexpected burst of creativity, knocking out 1,500 words before bed. And then, this morning, I woke up and rather than going on a run (don't laugh--I run, people) I wrote another thousand words! But now I have to go to work. And despite the fact that relatively little has happened in my first 11,000 words of my novel, I think things are really going to pick up now. Like, for instance, today I typed the word "superheroes" for the first time. That's...something. Maybe, if you're lucky, I'll even post an excerpt soon.

Now, onto Week 2. My grandpa and uncles leave tomorrow but Shannon comes home, so a whole new distraction will replace the one of last week. But that's cool, because I've been lonely and friendless for a whole month. Yay! Shannon! Yay! MantoWriMo is back on track!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to read any excerpt you post. You suck.
