Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Uh Oh

So, um, I'm breaking some rules. My novel is going to be more than 50,000 words. How do I know this? Because today, Tuesday, June 30, at 7:07 p.m., I broke through the 50,000 word ceiling of the chocolate factory. And this glass elevator is just going to keep going, because as it turns out, I still have more plot left in me.

By which I mean I had trouble pacing this thing all along, so here I find myself at 50,000 words mid-way through a climax (and yes, I'm aware that sounds dirty) certainly with an end in sight, but one that's a few miles out to sea and only dimly visible through the marine layer. But, I can't help it. Really, if I were to just write "The End" right now, my book would be incomplete, nothing would be resolved, and one of the crucial mysteries would never be uncovered. So, onwards and upwards I go. I am mixing so many metaphors here.

Here's a picture of my word count as of several minutes ago:

Check back later tonight for the final update. I will finish by midnight, mark my words.

1 comment:

  1. the shadowy cabal that runs nanowrimo is gonna come after you... actually from what I can see in the image, it looks like you are coming to a thrilling climax here, so keep on writing. Who has tentacles?
