Sunday, June 21, 2009

No, I'm not procrastinating--why would you say that?

In 5 minutes begins my final week of MantoWriMo.

I'm at 33,000ish words so far tonight, despite a True Blood and frozen yogurt break earlier. I will keep going, but I do have work tomorrow, and I'm starting a digital photography class tomorrow night. And then my sister and I are going to start attending this crazy Cardio Barre class. And then my dad and I are going to go see a documentary about over-fishing called "End of the Line." It's going to be hard to catch up to the 35,000 mark I should have been at. Whatever. I WILL finish this novel by June 30.

I'd just like to take a moment to thank my 6 blog followers. I'm not even sure if you are reading anything I write, but just seeing your tiny little profile pictures just makes me happy. You know what would make me even happier?

7 blog followers.


  1. It appears as though Julio doesn't even follow your blog. What the hell is her problem?

  2. We're reading, at least the fellow novelists are!

  3. our followship should be rewarded with plot excerpts

  4. I don't follow any blogs in any sort of official, picture of me on the page capacity, but I'm doing it now because you're a whiner. And now I have to do it for all my friends. See what you've done?! I best get to read this beast when you're finished.
